Thursday, July 5, 2007


Nothing's perfect. Right? Especially me. And yet.... Apparantly I hold my creative side to a level of, well, not perfection, but it has to come close. That Ultramerino sock was no where near close. As tempted as I was to rip, rip, rip, I let it sit overnight to see if it would grow on me. The sun rose, I rose, the sock took a dive. I can't express how happy I was to transform that excessively flawed sock into a pile of crimped yarn, full of promise once again. One of the many problems with the sock was that it was big on my foot. I reduced the stitch count by four and started over. This time I did the basket stitch from Sensational Knitted Socks. And I'm loving the result.

I get that happy, warm feeling when I look at this sock progress. All is right and perfect in my little world again.

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