Saturday, August 25, 2007

Summer Days

Hard to believe it; summer is over. Well, yes, it's sticky hot outside at the moment. But the week of cool and rainy weather we just had was a warning and these 2 days of heat are a last gasp. But for me, the lazy days of summer are over. Work has jumped up into full speed, chorus rehearsals start on Monday, and the romance of summer has been derailed. But, hey, I've got a trip to Greece to look forward to. Yippee!

So, on to knitting. Here's my latest contribution to Summer of Socks KAL.

Pretty, huh?
Yarn: Steinback Wolle, Aktiv Effect
Pattern: Standard toe-up, short row toe and heel, 3/1 rib on US0

Then I added the pair to pile of socks and they looked so pretty all lined up in a row I had to take a photo. Four pairs of socks completed this summer. Not too shabby! For me anyway. Don't forget before this summer I had never knit a sock. I'm quite proud of myself.

But socks are not the only things on my needles in the last few weeks. Did I mention that my sister is having a baby? So, I'm also knitting baby things. Such as this blanket.

I'm finding this a supremely comforting knit (just what I need right now). Could be the soft, cozy feel of the yarn (TLC Cotton Plus), could be the soothing colors, could be calming repetitiveness of stockingnet. Or the combination of all three. Whatever it is, I'll take it!

I'm off now to commune with my cotton blankie.

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